One Bite Of This Unique Cinnamon Roll Dessert Every Morning Can STOP Women’s Hair Loss In Its Tracks…

And Help You Regain Your Youthful, Glowing, Beautiful Hair Effortlessly!

And Help You Regain Your Youthful, Glowing, Beautiful Hair Effortlessly!

When Cristina stepped into the shower that day, she was hoping for a few precious moments of peace and quiet…
The last thing she expected was to find herself on her knees crying, desperately grasping at the dead hair falling out of her head and slipping down the drain - revealing an ever expanding bald spot on her scalp.
The last thing she expected was to find herself on her knees crying, desperately grasping at the dead hair falling out of her head and slipping down the drain - revealing an ever expanding bald spot on her scalp.
After all, Cristina had spent the last 4 months of her life on top of the world. As a brand new mom with a 4-month-old baby and a happy marriage, she was living a version of the “perfect life” she had dreamed of for years.
Every time her new baby smiled, blissful joy shot through her like a spark from Heaven.

But after weeks of all-nighters spent by the cradle singing lullabies, Cristina desperately needed a few moments of peaceful silence. She was EXHAUSTED.

As a mom, maybe you can relate?

For the first few weeks of motherhood it was easy
to hide how tired she was.
But after months of round-the-clock new mom responsibilities, Cristina’s reflection clearly showed her hair’s youthful glow had faded… and recently she had started shedding an abnormally large amount of hair when she brushed in the morning.

But Cristina chalked it up to simply “being tired”.
But after months of round-the-clock new mom responsibilities, Cristina’s reflection clearly showed her hair’s youthful glow had faded… and recently she had started shedding an abnormally large amount of hair when she brushed in the morning.

But Cristina chalked it up to simply “being tired”.
So when she retreated into the shower that day she was looking forward to a few precious minutes of alone time where she could breathe, relax, and recover before going back into full “mommy mode”.

But instead of a blissful retreat, Cristina’s shower turned into a nightmare…
So when she retreated into the shower that day she was looking forward to a few precious minutes of alone time where she could breathe, relax, and recover before going back into full “mommy mode”.

But instead of a blissful retreat, Cristina’s shower turned into a nightmare…
Stroking her fingers through her hair under the warm water, Cristina felt panic start to rise up in her chest as strands of hair tangled around her fingers.
Like pulling on the string of a sweater, the more Cristina ran her hands through her hair, the more hair would come out and wrap around her hands. 
Like pulling on the string of a sweater, the more Cristina ran her hands through her hair, the more hair would come out and wrap around her hands. 
Suddenly noticing she was splashing around in an inch of standing water, Cristina looked down in horror to find GOBS of her once beautiful hair clogging the drain. 
With the bald spot on her head growing, Cristina fell to her knees grasping at her fallen hair, sobbing as it slipped through her fingers and disappeared down the drain.

A Peaceful Morning Shower Turned Into Every Woman’s Nightmare!

If you’re a woman who’s dealing with hair loss, you can probably relate to the feeling of shock the day you realize that you are losing more hair than you’re growing back.
  • Maybe you’ve just given birth…
  • Maybe you’re going through menopause
  • Or maybe you’re just dealing with an overload of stress…
If you’re a woman who’s dealing with hair loss, you can probably relate to the feeling of shock the day you realize that you are losing more hair than you’re growing back.
  • Maybe you’ve just given birth…
  • Maybe you’re going through menopause
  • Or maybe you’re just dealing with an overload of stress…
Regardless of the reason WHY your hair is falling out, you undoubtedly remember the panic that steals your breath away when one morning your brush pulls out a particularly large clump of hair…

You might know the feeling of self-pity that comes from looking in the mirror combing your hair every which way to cover your bald spot…

And you definitely know how quickly your confidence
can crumble when your hair starts falling out…

This is exactly what happened to Cristina.
Before that fateful day in the shower when she finally noticed she was losing A LOT of her hair, Cristina’s life was filled with compliments.

She had always been told how beautiful her hair was.

Other women asked what her secret was to make her hair so shiny and grow so effortlessly.

And every night her husband would run his hands through her hair before they went to bed.
Before that fateful day in the shower when she finally noticed she was losing A LOT of her hair, Cristina’s life was filled with compliments.

She had always been told how beautiful her hair was.

Other women asked what her secret was to make her hair so shiny and grow so effortlessly.

And every night her husband would run his hands through her hair before they went to bed.

Cristina’s hair made her feel, well…
like a woman.

Cristina’s hair made her feel, well…
like a woman.

So that’s why it was so devastating to begin suddenly losing hair in her early-30s.

This is a picture of Cristina on her farm in Maryland a few weeks after her hair suddenly started falling out.
While it looks innocent on the surface, what this picture hides is a nightmarish story that affects over 50% of women at some point in their lives. [1]
You see, under the hat in the picture above, Cristina is hiding THIS…
And while losing your hair is a nightmare that no woman ever wants to go through…
And while losing your hair is a nightmare that no woman ever wants to go through…

What’s WORSE than losing your hair is feeling like your life has been stolen from you.

With her confidence gone, Cristina started skipping social events to stay home and hide her bald spot.

When she had to go to the grocery store, Cristina wore a hat and got in and out as fast as she could.

And maybe worst of all, Cristina’s intimacy with her husband disappeared and their relationship crumbled.
Cristina’s life had changed overnight thanks to her growing bald spot…
But the saddest part about Cristina’s story is that she is NOT ALONE.

Millions Of Women Suffer From Premature Hair Loss…

But Only A Few Learn The Simple Natural Secrets
To Recover And Grow Their Hair Back

But Only A Few Learn The Simple Natural Secrets To Recover And Grow Their Hair Back

When most people think of premature balding they think of a middle-aged man.

But no one talks about the MILLIONS of women who suddenly begin losing their hair out of the blue for “no reason” they can think of.
  • One day you’re a brand new mom on top of the world…
  • ​Or perhaps a successful woman moving into your golden years of life…
  • ​Or even a proud grandmother, enjoying your retirement by spending time with your grandchildren…. 
And then one morning you wake up to find little 
strands of hair clinging to your pillow that fell out overnight.

After that, every shower you take ends with a clogged drain full of dead hair that fell out of your scalp…
And eventually you’re spending every day tearfully scrutinizing your scalp in the mirror… hoping, wishing, PRAYING that more of your precious hair DOESN’T fall out.

If you’re like Cristina and other women who go through sudden and seemingly unexplainable hair loss, you’ll try almost ANYTHING to get your hair to grow back.
And then one morning you wake up to find little strands of hair clinging to your pillow that fell out overnight.

After that, every shower you take ends with a clogged drain full of dead hair that fell out of your scalp…

But that’s when you find out your options are less than ideal…

  • Hair implants and high end wigs are exorbitantly expensive and ultimately don’t give you YOUR hair back.
  • Trendy serums and leave-in conditioners don’t seem to do anything but make your hair feel softer.
  • And medicated options like Rogaine/Minoxidil require you to use their product EVERY DAY for the rest of your life, because the second you stop using it your hair dries up and falls out of your head like a tree shedding its leaves in the Fall.

But that’s when you find out your options are less than ideal…

  • Hair implants and high end wigs are exorbitantly expensive and ultimately don’t give you YOUR hair back.
  • Trendy serums and leave-in conditioners don’t seem to do anything but make your hair feel softer.
  • And medicated options like Rogaine/Minoxidil require you to use their product EVERY DAY for the rest of your life, because the second you stop using it your hair dries up and falls out of your head like a tree shedding its leaves in the Fall.
After trying what felt like EVERY treatment on the market with no noticeable results to speak of…

But that’s when you find out your options are less than ideal…

  • Hair implants and high end wigs are exorbitantly expensive and ultimately don’t give you YOUR hair back.
  • Trendy serums and leave-in conditioners don’t seem to do anything but make your hair feel softer.
  • And medicated options like Rogaine/Minoxidil require you to use their product EVERY DAY for the rest of your life, because the second you stop using it your hair dries up and falls out of your head like a tree shedding its leaves in the Fall.

But that’s when you find out your options are less than ideal…

  • Hair implants and high end wigs are exorbitantly expensive and ultimately don’t give you YOUR hair back
  • Trendy serums and leave-in conditioners don’t seem to do anything but make your hair feel softer
  • And medicated options like Rogaine/Minoxidil require you to use their product EVERY DAY for the rest of your life, because the second you stop using it your hair dries up and falls out of your head like a tree shedding its leaves in the Fall
After trying what felt like EVERY treatment on the market with no noticeable results to speak of…
After trying what felt like EVERY treatment on the market with no noticeable results to speak of…

Cristina Felt She Was Ready To Give Up

And if you’re dealing with thinning or disappearing hair, chances are you’ve felt like giving up before as well…

Maybe you even think that living with your bald spots is inevitable…
But if there’s one thing I NEED you to know before
you leave this page today, it’s this…
But if there’s one thing I NEED you to know before you leave this page today, it’s this…

Don't Give Up Yet

Because even in your darkest moments when
things seem hopeless, there can be light found in
the strangest of places.
Because even in your darkest moments when things seem hopeless, there can be light found in the strangest of places.
This was exactly the case with Cristina.

Even though Cristina’s story was shaping up to have a very dark ending filled with depression, loneliness, and social isolation…

That is NOT where her story ended.

How do I know?

Well, because that woman with the bald spot in the pictures above is ME. 
This was exactly the case with Cristina.

Even though Cristina’s story was shaping up to have a very dark ending filled with depression, loneliness, and social isolation…

That is NOT where her story ended.

How do I know?

Well, because that woman with the bald spot in the pictures above is ME. 

My Name Is Cristina Marie

Like you now know, not many years ago I was hiding out on my farm here in Maryland...

As my beautiful hair slowly faded away like sand slipping through my fingers.
  • I felt hopeless…
  • ​Scared…
  • ​Depressed…
And at my darkest moments, I worried that I would lose my husband, my friends, and be confined to my farm as the “weird bald lady” at the end of the street for the rest of my life.

It’s certainly happened to other women before me, so it just seemed like I was next in a long line of hair loss casualties.

But that’s when I decided to turn my attention away from what treatments I could get and adopted a more holistic approach to healthy hair growth.
And that’s when I discovered something pretty incredible that allowed me to go from looking like this…

To me looking like this today…

To me looking like this today…

I got these results naturally WITHOUT:

I got these results naturally WITHOUT:

hair implants or sugery

Using topical serums

any medicated options

(including Rogain)
Instead, I was able to work with my body to grow my hair back naturally and healthily so it will stick with me for years to come using my very own “cinnamon roll” dessert recipe. 

So… How’d I Do It?

I’m about to tell you exactly how stop losing hair and instead start growing thick, healthy, shiny, and beautiful hair again effortlessly.

And, even though it might sound a little crazy…

The answer has everything to do with a delicious “cinnamon roll” dessert that I take one bite of every morning.

I know, I know…

What Does Eating A “Cinnamon Roll” Dessert Have To Do With Growing My Hair Back?

Strangely Enough, EVERYTHING

But before eating a “cinnamon roll” dessert will make sense for hair growth to you, you need to understand exactly how our bodies grow hair.

You see, hair is made out of a special substance called “keratin”. And in order to make keratin, our bodies need a whole host of important natural nutrients like biotin, selenium, and several different vitamins.

When we’re young, our bodies typically have no problem producing all these nutrients to grow healthy hair. 

But as we age and go through life events like:

  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Even HIGH STRESS from work or family affairs
Our bodies change how we use our nutrient reserves.

The reason is because women go through several inevitable hormonal shifts in life that alter how our bodies use our nutrient levels.
For example, when we get pregnant our body completely alters our hormone levels to dedicate a SUPER amount of the nutrients we have into making a baby. And after we give birth, our hormone levels crash back to normal quite quickly which can leave our nutrient reserves low enough that our bodies literally CAN’T grow new hair.

But pregnancy isn’t the only life event women go through that alters our hormone levels.
When women go through menopause, a similar tidal wave shift in plummeting hormone levels of estrogen occurs to stop our menstrual cycle. And unsurprisingly, the sudden shift in hormones changes how our bodies utilize our nutrient reserves.

This varies from woman to woman, but a very common symptom of menopause is a sudden shedding of hair thanks to altered hormones and reductions in the amount of nutrients our scalp needs to grow hair.
When women go through menopause, a similar tidal wave shift in plummeting hormone levels of estrogen occurs to stop our menstrual cycle. And unsurprisingly, the sudden shift in hormones changes how our bodies utilize our nutrient reserves.

This varies from woman to woman, but a very common symptom of menopause is a sudden shedding of hair thanks to altered hormones and reductions in the amount of nutrients our scalp needs to grow hair.
These massive hormonal shifts can even happen when a woman spends a lot of time under high stress.

Stress can cause us to fall into “survival mode” where our bodies will shift hormonal levels to direct nutrients away from non-essential bodily functions (like growing hair) and prioritize only major body systems that keep us alive. The result? You suddenly start losing hair.
These inevitable life events happen to most ALL women. And when we go through these inevitable life events, our body will try to make keratin to grow hair, only to find that the nutrients it NEEDS aren’t there in the right amounts.

when we don’t have enough nutrients in the right levels to make keratin and grow hair…

Our hair starts thinning and falling out like what 
happened to me after giving birth.
Our hair starts thinning and falling out like what happened to me after giving birth.
And no matter what treatments, serums, or surgery we get…

Our bodies simply CAN’T sustain natural, luscious, beautiful hair growth without the nutrients we need to make keratin and grow hair!

Think about it like this…
You can’t PULL new and healthy hair out of your scalp when your body doesn’t have any nutrients to actually make hair. There’s just no hair to give.

You CAN give your body the right nutrients to PUSH hair out of your scalp naturally.
You CAN give your body the right nutrients to PUSH hair out of your scalp naturally.
So the question is…

What Nutrients Do You Need To Grow Out Your Hair?

I went searching for answers to this EXACT question in the middle of my hair loss crisis.

Every single “hair growth strategy” you can think of, I tried.

I went on extremely restrictive diets like Keto, Paleo, and even a raw diet.

I took:
  • Biotin supplements 
  • Soluble keratin 
  • Different B vitamins
  • ​Silica
  • ​Vitamin C
  • ​Vitamin D
  • ​And even zinc
But even though I spent a tremendous amount of money on a whole smorgasbord of supplements and altered my diets to the extreme…

I saw next to ZERO results!

My hair was still falling out and no naturopathic doctor, dermatologist, or Chinese healer (I saw several) 
could tell me why!
My hair was still falling out and no naturopathic doctor, dermatologist, or Chinese healer (I saw several) could tell me why!
And that’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I spent months gathering little golden nuggets of information from my own research online…

I began speaking to leading hair loss experts…

And even attended several beauty and wellness expos all over the nation where I spoke with top researchers in the supplement industry...
Once I felt I learned everything I needed to know…

I started to develop a unique “cinnamon roll” dessert recipe that would boost hair growth with a single bite each day.
Once I nailed the recipe down, I commissioned a small manufacturing company in California with cutting-edge nutrient absorption technology (more on that later) to create my very own hair growth “cinnamon roll” dessert…

Something that the women’s health and hair industry had NEVER seen before.

It was a big risk and a pretty large investment, but I was dedicated to finding a solution.

After months of trial and error, we finally created the perfect “cinnamon roll” that satisfied all of my requirements…

And This Is What It Looks Like:

And while it may not LOOK like a cinnamon roll – stick with me here…

It tastes the real thing… an ooey-gooey fresh-out-of-the-oven cinnamon roll!

What you’re looking at in that picture is a spoonful of a supercharged cinnamon roll flavored supplement, specifically formulated for hair growth, scalp health, and hormonal balance.

This new delicious cinnamon roll recipe contains a “Micelle Liposomal Formula” that allows you to absorb ALL the nutrients you need to make new keratin and REGROW your hair naturally.
But before I tell you what kind of results I got from this special cinnamon roll supplement or what a “Micelle Liposomal Formula” is, it’s super important for you to understand…
But before I tell you what kind of results I got from this special cinnamon roll supplement or what a “Micelle Liposomal Formula” is, it’s super important for you to understand…

The Real Reason Most Supplements NEVER Work…

And Why A Daily Bite Of My Unique Cinnamon Roll Has Been Able To Help Thousands Of Women (including me) Grow Our Hair Back When Nothing Else Worked
What I learned from taking a whole platter of “hair growth supplements” every day for months on end is that supplements typically DON’T WORK.

But the reason why isn’t because taking supplements is bad or that you’re not taking enough of them…
It’s because the raw nutrients in most hair growth supplements get destroyed going through our stomach acid. So by the time the precious nutrients get to our intestines where they can be absorbed and used to push hair out through our scalps… it’s already too late. The nutrients are unusable and our body flushes them out of our system and into the toilet.
It’s because the raw nutrients in most hair growth supplements get destroyed going through our stomach acid. So by the time the precious nutrients get to our intestines where they can be absorbed and used to push hair out through our scalps… it’s already too late. The nutrients are unusable and our body flushes them out of our system and into the toilet.
So what that means is that taking normal supplements for months and months on end probably WON’T help you grow your hair back…

However, by using something called a “Micelle Liposomal Formula” (like I included in my special cinnamon roll recipe), it’s possible to transport the nutrients we need to grow hair THROUGH our stomachs so they can be absorbed up to 800% better!

Taking one spoonful of this delicious cinnamon roll supplement every day for just a few short months might be able to help you start growing NATURAL, BEAUTIFUL hair again!

And the reason I know this is because that’s exactly what happened for me…

Amazing right?

Those results didn’t come from spending thousands of dollars on wigs or surgical hair transplants…

They didn’t come from buying fancy hair concoctions jam-packed with questionable chemicals…

And they DEFINITELY didn’t come from using Rogaine…

Before Biotin Plus

6 Months Taking Biotin Plus

Instead, those results came from the nutrients I got from one spoonful of this cinnamon roll goodness per day.

But I wasn’t the only person it worked for…

I got my family to try it, then my friends, the neighbors, and eventually women (and some men) scattered all across the country were taking one spoonful of my special cinnamon roll per day to get AMAZING hair growth results.
Instead, those results came from the nutrients I got from one spoonful of this cinnamon roll goodness per day.

But I wasn’t the only person it worked for…

I got my family to try it, then my friends, the neighbors, and eventually women (and some men) scattered all across the country were taking one spoonful of my special cinnamon roll per day to get AMAZING hair growth results.

the results speak for themselves

Before Creating Biotin Plus

1 Month After Biotin Plus

3 Months After Biotin Plus

Now today I’m proud to reveal my perfected hair growth recipe to you.


Complete Biotin Plus

The Complete “Recipe” To NATURAL 
and EFFORTLESS Hair Growth

The Complete “Recipe” To NATURAL And EFFORTLESS Hair Growth

Packaged In A Delicious Bite Of Cinnamon Roll Goodness

Complete Biotin Plus is a natural solution to STOP hair loss and regrow luscious, flowing, beautiful, glossy, natural hair effortlessly!

It works to help you grow your hair just like baking a cake…

Just like you need all of the right ingredients in the right amounts to bake a cake like flour, sugar, vanilla, and baking soda or the cake won’t come out right…
You NEED all the right “ingredients” to grow your hair!

And Complete Biotin Plus gives you all the right nutrients packaged together in the right “recipe” that tastes like a delicious cinnamon roll AND helps you grow natural, beautiful, youthful, luscious hair!
You NEED all the right “ingredients” to grow your hair!

And Complete Biotin Plus gives you all the right nutrients packaged together in the right “recipe” that tastes like a delicious cinnamon roll AND helps you grow natural, beautiful, youthful, luscious hair!

Here are all the ingredients included inside Biotin Plus

 For effortless natural hair growth…

Ingredient #1 = Biotin

If you’ve researched hair growth or even just “natural health” in general before, chances are you’ve heard of Biotin.

Biotin is one of the most plentiful and foundational nutrients that our bodies use.

Our skin, our joint cartilage, and - of course - our hair REQUIRES Biotin.
There is no shortage of Biotin supplements on the market, but during my hair loss crisis I was shocked to learn that most Biotin supplements are nearly USELESS for our bodies.

The reason why is because most biotin supplements aren’t packaged in anything to protect them from the harsh environment of our digestive system. And that means by the time the biotin we get from most supplements makes it to our intestines where it can be absorbed, it’s already been damaged beyond repair.

So this means that, even if you take an excess of biotin each day, chances are it’s just being flushed through you right down the toilet without ever being absorbed and used to grow your hair.

And if you aren’t absorbing biotin, it’s likely your body doesn’t have an excess of biotin to spare to push hair out of your scalp.

Ingredient #1 = Biotin  

If you’ve researched hair growth or even just “natural health” in general before, chances are you’ve heard of Biotin.

Biotin is one of the most plentiful and foundational nutrients that our bodies use.
Our skin, our joint cartilage, and - of course - our hair REQUIRES Biotin.

There is no shortage of Biotin supplements on the market, but during my hair loss crisis I was shocked to learn that most Biotin supplements are nearly USELESS for our bodies.

The reason why is because most biotin supplements aren’t packaged in anything to protect them from the harsh environment of our digestive system.

And that means by the time the biotin we get from most supplements makes it to our intestines where it can be absorbed, it’s already been damaged beyond repair.

So this means that, even if you take an excess of biotin each day, chances are it’s just being flushed through you right down the toilet without ever being absorbed and used to grow your hair.

And if you aren’t absorbing biotin, it’s likely your body doesn’t have an excess of biotin to spare to push hair out of your scalp.

That’s why I had to go a step further with the creation of Complete Biotin Plus and include a new technology called…

Micelle Liposomal Formula

This unique formula protects nutrients in Complete Biotin Plus inside a protective fatty acid bubble called a “liposome” that can pass through our stomach acid and get nutrients to our intestines where they can be absorbed in their pure form.
But that’s not all…

Inside the liposome are even smaller little package delivery systems called “micelles” that make nutrient absorption by our bodies even easier.

In fact, this Micelle Liposomal Formula can help INCREASE the absorption of nutrients by up 800%! [2], [3], [4]
And that means that taking Complete Biotin Plus can give you roughly 8x MORE results than taking regular (and much less delicious) supplements.
With Complete Biotin Plus, you’re actually absorbing nutrients instead of letting them pass through your body – right into the toilet.
With Complete Biotin Plus, you’re actually absorbing nutrients instead of letting them pass through your body – right into the toilet.
But just like you can’t bake a cake only using flour…

You can’t grow hair by ONLY taking biotin.

That’s why it’s called Complete Biotin PLUS as a hint for all the other vital hair-growing nutrients in it.

Ingredient #2 = Vitamin D3

You can think of Vitamin D (aka the nutrient we make when we get enough sun) as the regular for our bodies.

Without vitamin D, the cells that regulate hormone levels and dictate nutrient shuttling for hair growth go all out of wack and eventually shut down.
You can think about it as a lack of vitamin D being sorta like a factory that fired all its workers.

Your body still has the basic system in place capable of making keratin and growing hair… you just don’t have any cells to push the process along and make it happen.

Yet despite how crucially important having vitamin D in your system for hormone regulation (and therefore getting keratin growing nutrients to your scalp to grow hair)...

Over 40% of American adults are deficient in this critical nutrient! [5]

And with stats like that, it’s unsurprising that vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common shared factors for people with receding hair.

This is why I’ve included a super dose of Vitamin D in Complete Biotin Plus.

It will help balance your hormone levels (even when going through live events like pregnancy, menopause, or high stress) and allow your scalp to get high nutrient doses so you can grow out your hair naturally and effortlessly!

Ingredient #3 = Black Cumin Seed Oil

Most people haven’t heard of black cumin seeds, but even if they have they don’t know about this special ingredient’s long history of natural health and healing.
Ancient peoples all the way up through modern doctors have been using the plant that grows black cumin seeds - Nigella Sativa - for centuries to treat virtually every ailment under the sun including:
  • Reducing inflammation 
  • Improving immune system strength and durability 
  • Boosting white blood cell counts 
  • ​Brain health
  • Lowering cholesterol 
  • Improve symptoms of asthma 
  • ​And improving digestive function
Not all uses have been scientifically proven, but one thing with scientific research to back it up is the link between the seeds of this special plant and hair growth.

A 2017 study found a 76% reduction in hair loss once black cumin seed oil was added to the participant’s daily regimen! [6]

These incredible results are believed to be because of black cumin seeds’ natural moisturizing properties that benefit skin and hair growth production.

Essentially, black cumin seed oil helps your skin lock in moisture while stimulating cell growth (especially in the hair follicles on your scalp).

Plus, black cumin seed oil adds a depth and “breadiness” to Complete Biotin Plus that makes it taste like a real cinnamon roll!

Ingredient #4 = Pumpkin Seed Oil

Aside from making Fall the most delicious and wonderful time of the year, pumpkins have a strange trait that can help trigger natural hair growth.

See, our bodies have the ability to release hormonal signals that BLOCK hair growth.

It’s unknown exactly why our bodies do this, but theorized to have something to do with prioritizing nutrients to other areas of the body.
Aside from making Fall the most delicious and wonderful time of the year, pumpkins have a strange trait that can help trigger natural hair growth.

See, our bodies have the ability to release hormonal signals that BLOCK hair growth.

It’s unknown exactly why our bodies do this, but theorized to have something to do with prioritizing nutrients to other areas of the body.
It’s unknown exactly why our bodies do this, but theorized to have something to do with prioritizing nutrients to other areas of the body.

But pumpkin seed oil has a strange trait to override the hormonal signals that block hair growth so your hair can keep growing WITHOUT being stopped by your own hormonal blockers. [7]

Pumpkin seed oil combined with vitamin D ensures that your body does not fight back against you when trying to regrow your hair.
It’s unknown exactly why our bodies do this, but theorized to have something to do with prioritizing nutrients to other areas of the body.

But pumpkin seed oil has a strange trait to override the hormonal signals that block hair growth so your hair can keep growing WITHOUT being stopped by your own hormonal blockers. [7]

Pumpkin seed oil combined with vitamin D ensures that your body does not fight back against you when trying to regrow your hair.

Ingredient #5 = Selenium

Though you may have never heard of Selenium, this amazing nutrient is responsible for healthy body regulation through supporting your thyroid (throat gland).

Selenium deficiency is linked to stress and increased risks of illness. Both things that can negatively impact our ability to grow hair.
But ample levels of selenium correlate with a healthy thyroid. And a healthy thyroid is shown to improve your mood, lower stress levels, and give our bodies the “all clear” to grow hair.

Basically selenium allows you to more easily regulate levels of key hormones and take care of base bodily functions. And when your body is healthy, it is much easier for your scalp to grow hair effortlessly.
But ample levels of selenium correlate with a healthy thyroid. And a healthy thyroid is shown to improve your mood, lower stress levels, and give our bodies the “all clear” to grow hair.

Basically selenium allows you to more easily regulate levels of key hormones and take care of base bodily functions. And when your body is healthy, it is much easier for your scalp to grow hair effortlessly.

Ingredient #6 = Cinnamon

Yes, Complete Biotin Plus contains one of the yummiest spices of all – cinnamon.

Not only is cinnamon absolutely scrumptious…

It has a long track record of supporting hair health.
From studies showing it to be just as effective as common hair growth drugs…

To researchers finding that it can stave off dandruff and dryness! [8]

Cinnamon is a hair health “super spice” with scientifically proven benefits AND great taste.

Overall, Complete Biotin Plus is the ONLY product for women that helps stop female pattern hair loss

while ALSO helping hair grow back fuller, healthier, and more luscious NATURALLY
With the 6 ingredients above combined with our Micelle Liposomal Formula in Complete Biotin Plus…

You are getting a perfect formula to - not only STIMULATE hair growth - but also REMOVE hormonal blockers our bodies release to prevent hair growth.

This gives you a 100% natural (and delicious) way to regrow YOUR natural, youthful, beautiful hair!
There are NO harsh artificial chemicals…

No GMOs, gluten, sugar, soy, corn, yeast, dairy, wheat, and other common allergens…

And NO need to swallow pills, take medication, or get expensive treatments to grow your hair back.

Instead, simply take one bite of natural, healthy, delicious cinnamon roll Complete Biotin Plus every day to enjoy amazing hair growth results.

Just listen to what my clients are saying!

So I have been using Complete Biotin Plus for about 3 weeks and it has been a great supplement. My hair in front was very thin and sparse but since I started using Complete Biotin Plus, I have new growth and the existing growth is thicker and fuller. I am really excited about how much new growth I have had and I am sure that the longer I use Complete Biotin Plus, the better my hair growth becomes. I highly recommend Complete Biotin Plus 100%!

– Ciana S, age 42

Verified Purchase

First off, I love the taste! Since I started with Complete Biotin Plus, I've been sleeping so much better... Not sure if it's because of this product or not, but it is the only thing I have done differently. My hair strands feel thicker to me and I just had my hair trimmed and my stylist said she sees new hair growth! :) My energy levels seem better too. I don't get that afternoon slump. Thank you for this product! It's comforting knowing a product is developed from someone who has experienced the same hair loss issues.

– Sheri T, age 55

Verified Purchase

This is by far the best Biotin I’ve ever had. I’ve tried plenty of powders and gummies but never noticed a difference in my hair, skin, or nails. After just a short time of using this product so far, my hair looks shiner and has less breakage, my skin has less breakouts, and my nails are not nearly as brittle as they were before. I have also noticed better energy levels too. I cannot wait to see my results after 30 days and beyond! Also, I keep my bottle refrigerated as suggested and it comes out way thicker. I actually really like the taste right off the spoon. Sometimes I will even have a spoonful in the evening to satisfy my “sweet tooth.” Great product and I highly recommend it for everyone who wants beautiful, healthy hair.

– Ildiko M, age 35

Verified Purchase

All I know is that I started taking Complete Biotin Plus in May of 2022 and my hair has really improved. My hairdresser says it's like styling a different person's hair! I had a lot of stress and my hair had thinned so much my hairdresser was trying to come up with different hairstyles to hide my thinning areas… After trying what felt like everything to help, Complete Biotin Plus is the only thing that worked for me. My hair is fuller and is growing faster than ever. So thankful I found this product!

– Cara P, age 47

Verified Purchase

Love this product! I had been suffering from thinning hair for 6 months or so, and I finally decided to try something new. Between using coconut oil directly on my scalp and taking another supplement to help hair growth, there is no comparison to Complete Biotin Plus! It’s SO much better! In fact, I started to see a difference in just 1 month! My hair was no longer falling out as much when I brushed it and I began to see baby hairs growing in where my hair was thinning. I'm so glad to have found a product that actually works. Even other people are noticing that my hair is growing back which definitely gives me a confidence boost because I was beginning to be very self conscious.

– Jamie T, age 39

Verified Purchase

Once I started to go through dreaded menopause, my doctor warned me that my hair “may” grow slower and start thinning. Well, after 1 year, my hair was so thin that I could see my scalp. It was debilitating. I considered getting hair implants, but it was so expensive. Thankfully, I found Complete Biotin Plus. I had no idea I could balance my hormones AND boost my hair growth with one supplement. After 3 months of taking Complete Biotin Plus daily, my hair is showing new growth and my hair is no longer dry and brittle.  This product is a lifesaver. I feel like myself again.

– Cathy C, age 63

Verified Purchase

Cristina is my hero. As a mother of a 3 year old and an 8 month old, I know how horrible postpartum hair loss can be. I am so grateful that I found her product a few weeks ago. My hair shedding was out of control and I noticed that I was developing a receding hairline. Now that I am taking Complete Biotin Plus daily, I can see new tiny hairs growing along my hairline! It’s amazing! And my hair isn’t shedding anymore. This is a must-have for new moms!

- Jenna M, age 30

Verified Purchase

Imagine Your Life With Effortlessly Beautiful, Full, Glowing, Luscious Hair

When you wake up in the morning there are NO little “hair monsters” clinging to your pillow after falling out overnight.

When you take a shower there are NO clumps of hair that fall out of your head and plug the drain.
When you brush your hair you don’t worry about accidentally pulling too much out because your hair is strong, healthy, and easy to run a brush through.
When you brush your hair you don’t worry about accidentally pulling too much out because your hair is strong, healthy, and easy to run a brush through.
When you go out in public, you're not worried about your hair getting caught in the wind and revealing your bald spot…

And when you look in the mirror, you’re greeted by a woman with a beaming smile because she has a full head of thick, luscious, practically GLOWING hair. The best part? That woman looking back at you in the mirror is YOU!

But there’s more!
Unlike the small fortune of supplements I used to take every morning (that didn’t work), Complete Biotin Plus is made to be AFFORDABLE for any woman who cares about her hair.


“How Much Is Complete Biotin Plus?”

I created Complete Biotin Plus as a way to - not only to help you grow back your hair naturally - but also to SAVE YOU MONEY.

According to a survey conducted by Daily Mail, the average woman spends approximately $55,000 on her hair over her lifetime. [9]

But if you’re a woman who’s dealing with female pattern hair loss, that number is MUCH higher.
Some women spend multiple thousands of dollars per year on hair growth treatments that may (or may not) give them lasting results.

Treatments can be multiple hundreds of dollars per visit and easily add up to $1,000+ per year by themselves…
Medicated options like Rogaine are about $350-$400/year (and your hair will fall out the second you stop using the product)...

If you’re a woman that is considering getting a hair transplant to get your hair back, you’re looking at up to $20,000! And even then, a hair transplant doesn't give your scalp the ingredients it needs to maintain YOUR hair on your head, so chances are it will probably just fall out in the coming years…
And if you were going to take separate supplements for all the ingredients you get inside of Complete Biotin Plus including:
  • Biotin 
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium
  • ​Black Cumin Seed Oil
  • Pumpkin Seed Oil
  • And cinnamon
You’re looking at a supplement bill of roughly $1,700-$1,800/year!

And even then, chances are your body wouldn’t be able to actually USE the nutrients you get in those supplements because conventional supplements don’t have a Micelle Liposomal Formula like Complete Biotin Plus (which is protected by over 50 different patents around the world)!
Since Complete Biotin Plus combines ALL the nutrients you need to grow hair, produces amazing results (unlike most other supplements), and tastes GREAT…
Since Complete Biotin Plus combines ALL the nutrients you need to grow hair, produces amazing results (unlike most other supplements), and tastes GREAT…
It’s fair to assume that it’s worth AT LEAST as much as the other supplements combined at about $1,800.

Any woman I know would happily pay $1,800 to avoid going bald. (I certainly would have when I started losing my hair.)

But when you buy Complete Biotin Plus today, you’re not going to pay anywhere near $1,800.

It’s much less than even half of that… especially for a 3-month supply.

When you purchase your supply of Complete Biotin Plus today you won’t pay $1,800…

Not $900 (half of what most women pay for other products that don’t work)...

Not even $300!

And with your 3-month supply you can save even more…

Purchase Your 3-Month Supply Of Complete Biotin Plus 
Today And Save! 

Purchase Your 3-Month Supply Of Complete Biotin Plus Today & Save! 

1 Month Supply



3 Month Supply


2 Month Supply



3 Month Supply


1 Month Supply


2 Month Supply


180-Day Money Back Guarantee

When you purchase Complete Biotin Plus today and your bottle(s) arrive at your doorstep in just a few short days, you have 180 days (or 6 full months) to try out the product at NO RISK.
  • If you don’t like it…
  • If you don’t get results from using it every day…
  • Or if you have any other problem with it…
You can ask for a full refund with no questions asked and no awkward conversations.

Just send us an email letting us know you’ll be sending your bottles back (yes, even if they’ve been opened and used), and we will refund your ENTIRE order.

I’m so confident you’ll love Complete Biotin Plus that I am taking the full risk for you and essentially letting you try it for FREE for the next 180 days. 

Take Control Of Your Future With Complete Biotin Plus Today!

You don’t have to let thinning or disappearing hair ruin your life. 

With Complete Biotin Plus, you can choose a different future with natural, beautiful hair for years to come.

Just one tablespoon of heavenly cinnamon roll goodness per day could be able to get you results like these this!
You don’t have to let thinning or disappearing hair ruin your life. 

With Complete Biotin Plus, you can choose a different future with natural, beautiful hair for years to come.

Just one tablespoon of heavenly cinnamon roll goodness per day could be able to get you results like these this!

Purchase Complete Biotin Plus Today!


3 Month Supply


1 Month Supply


2 Month Supply


1 Month Supply



3 Month Supply


2 Month Supply


Looking For Help? Our customer care team is here to serve you! You can contact us via phone or email Monday through Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST.

Email Us:
Or Call Us: 1-855-961-3837

Frequently Asked Questions

  I’ve tried other biotin products that didn’t work. What makes Complete Biotin Plus different?

Most biotin products don’t actually get absorbed because they can’t pass through your stomach without being damaged beyond repair.

But Complete Biotin Plus is different. It comes with our patented Liposomal Micelle Formula to increase the absorption by up to 800%!

Also, it’s not just biotin…

When you take a spoonful of Complete Biotin PLUS you’re getting a whole host of hair growth nutrients that give you everything you need to make keratin and grow out your hair!

  How will I know Complete Biotin Plus is working for me?

The time it takes to see results varies from person to person, but some people start seeing results in as soon as two weeks.

The first thing you’ll notice is your nails getting stronger.

Then you might notice shinier, healthier looking hair in the mirror.

You’ll also achieve ​​more restful sleep and feel refreshed in the morning.

Next you may see small baby hairs (about a centimeter or perhaps upwards of an inch) appearing on the scalp.

Your scalp will feel more comfortable and nourished – no itching or dryness.

Some people have even reported that their skin appears dewy and soft!

  Does it work for men too?


All the ingredients in Complete Biotin Plus are just as important for men as they are for women. Especially when it comes to regrowing hair naturally.

  What does it taste like?

Imagine that ooey-gooey taste of a fresh-baked cinnamon roll that warms your mouth and clings to your tongue making you go “mmmmmhhhh” every time you take a bite.

That’s what Complete Biotin Plus tastes like.

I prefer to take it by itself, but I’ve also had customers that stir it in their coffee, mix with their yogurt, or drizzle it over ice cream.

  How often do I take it?

Just one tablespoon a day is all it takes!

But it does taste good, so if you find yourself wanting to take two spoonfuls a day then no worries. You can take as much Complete Biotin Plus as you want with no risk of side effects or overdosing.

It’s a natural product that gives natural and effective long-term hair growth results with no dangerous side effects.

  How long does a bottle last?

One bottle contains 15 tablespoon-sized servings. I recommend you get a 3 month supply to save the most money and give yourself the best opportunity to see long term results.

  Is there a guarantee?


Try Complete Biotin Plus for 180 days. That’s a full 6 MONTHS! If you don’t like it for any reason, we’ll give you a full refund no questions asked if you let us know in the first 180 days.

  Is this product GMO free?

Yes! It’s also sugar free, gluten free, AND free of soy, corn, yeast, dairy, and wheat. It’s also tested for heavy metals and other harmful compounds.

  Is this product Vegan?

Yes! It’s Vegan, Paleo, and Keto friendly!

  Does complete Biotin Plus help if my hair is thinning?

Complete Biotin Plus can help rejuvenate your hair from root to tip for that “straight-out-of-the-salon” look.

  What makes it taste like a cinnamon roll? 

In addition to the 6 hair growth ingredients included in Complete Biotin Plus, we also include natural flavors from Organic Non GMO almonds and sunflower oil, in addition to maple extract, salted caramel extract, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. The sweetness comes from a natural sugar-free alternative called glycerin.

Everything in Complete Biotin Plus is natural to boost your health without any negative side effects.

  Why is biotin from the store cheaper?

That might be true, but please remember cheaper isn’t always better! In cheaper, conventional supplements, oftentimes very little thought goes into how the compounds are actually absorbed by your body.

This means most of the nutrients are destroyed in the hostile gut environment, with very little left over for you to use.

Our ingredients are encapsulated into tiny, nano-sized micelles which are further enveloped into liposomes. These healthy fat cells shield the micelles from premature breakdown in the gut, depositing the beneficial nutrients near the gut lining where they can be fully absorbed!

  I’ve tried other biotin products that didn’t work. What makes Complete Biotin Plus different?

Complete Biotin Plus is formulated with micellized Biotin as well as Vitamin D, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Cumin Seed Oil, and Selenium – all of which are shown to restore thick healthy hair.

Micelle Liposomal technology ensures that your body absorbs these vital nutrients to promote optimal hair growth while balancing your hormones. Most biotin products on the market are JUST biotin and use conventional means (like capsules, pills, gummies, powders) that are far less absorbable in your body.

Purchase Complete Biotin Plus Today!

1 Month Supply



3 Month Supply


2 Month Supply



3 Month Supply


1 Month Supply


2 Month Supply


Have More Questions? Our customer care team is here to serve you! You can contact us via phone or email Monday through Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST.

Email Us:
Or Call Us: 1-855-961-3837